The ArtHubb

12 Gift Ideas for Promoting Mental Health and Wellness

Are you looking for a gift that will help support and inspire mental health and wellness? Gifting something focused on promoting mental health is a great way to support your loved one. It’s important to remember that everyone has their own preferences. You don’t want to give someone something they don’t like or won’t use. In this article, we will explore 14 gift ideas for someone who could use a little extra support in their life.

Self-love card deck, posters, art - with uplifting quotes and/or affirmations

To support your loved one’s efforts to practice self-love, you can give them a card deck with positive affirmations to pull anytime they feel like they need a boost. Or, if you want them to have something tangible that they can look at every day, get them a piece of art about self-love, such as an oil painting or print. You could also opt for a set of watercolor positive affirmation cards—they’re pretty and easy to stash in various places around the home.

A great option is also buying an inspirational poster with a positive message (like “I love myself” or “I am enough”) that can be hung in the living room or bedroom where it will be seen often and serve as an inspiration when needed most.

Some of my favorite decks of cards:

Workbook that promotes mental health, addresses coping skills, etc.

A self-care workbook can be a great way to help you stay on track with your self-care routine. You can use the workbook to record your progress and keep track of what works for you, helping you make connections between thoughts and feelings. The prompts in the workbook may help with processing current emotions or offer suggestions for new coping skills and techniques to try.

My top two favorite workbooks right now are:

Cute or personalized mug and assortment of teas or coffees

This gift is perfect for the tea-loving friend in your life. A cute or personalized mug and assortment of teas or coffees are a great way to relax, start the day, end it, or enjoy with friends and family. There’s nothing that promotes wellness quite like a little bit of caffeine!

It’s important to remember that everyone needs some time away from their phone screens these days, so why not give them something they can enjoy while doing just that?

Check out our Feeling Words Mug in the shop! It includes various feeling words to help identify how you’re feeling.

Plant that brings soothing vibes

The majority of people would agree that a plant is a great way to improve air quality in your home or office. They are also known to lower stress levels, improve mood and energy levels, help improve sleep quality and even increase productivity.

Here are some examples of plants that can help with mental health:

  • Ficus benjamina (weeping fig) – this plant is easy to care for and produces beautiful green leaves that are perfect for adding an aesthetic touch to any space.

  • Peace lily – these plants have large green leaves with white flowers on them which emit a pleasant scent that helps create a relaxing atmosphere in your home or office space.

  • English ivy – English ivy grows quickly so it’s really easy to maintain by pruning off dead leaves or stems when necessary; it also tends not be too messy either!

Coloring books and coloring materials

Coloring books and crayons, pens, pencils, pastels—these are all great gifts for people who want to relax and de-stress. Coloring can be a meditative activity that helps you focus on the present moment by focusing on the details of what you’re drawing instead of stressing about work or other daily stresses. Some people even find it helpful to color when they’re having difficulty sleeping at night because it is such an absorbing activity that requires focus but doesn’t require much concentration in terms of mental energy.

When choosing a coloring book for your friends or family members it’s important to choose one that fits their interests and personality.

Here are a few I enjoy:

Fiddle pack with an assortment of fidget toys

This would be a great gift for someone with anxiety, stress or restlessness.

Fidget toys are a great way to help promote energy off the body, which can help with anxiety, stress and restlessness. They can also help with focus and concentration for people who have trouble concentrating due to ADHD or other Neurodivergent or mental health challenges. There are many different types of fidget toys that help relieve stress as well as providing an outlet for nervous behavior like biting your nails or tapping your feet.

I highly recommend checking out this fiddle pack – for every one purchased, one is donated to someone in need! You can see a preview of what comes in it in this video.

Journal (with or without prompts)

A journal is a great gift idea for anyone who wants to explore and understand how they feel. By writing down the emotions, thoughts and experiences in your life, you can process them.

It doesn’t matter if it’s perfect or not—journaling can be about anything that’s on your mind. Write about what you’re feeling right now; write about your goals; write about the things that are going on in your life; keep a list of activities you enjoy doing and some new ones too.

Here are a few journals I enjoy:

Aromatherapy diffuser/essential oils

Diffusers are a popular, affordable way to promote mental health and wellness. They use essential oils to fill the air with a pleasant scent and help purify it at the same time. While you can buy diffusers in many different forms (including lamps, wall plugs, and humidifiers), we think that their most noticeable advantage is how portable they are. In addition to being useful at home, diffusers make for great gifts for loved ones or friends who travel frequently—or even just have an affinity for cute jewelry!

If you’d like to give someone a gift that promotes mental health but isn’t as flashy as these options (for example: your parents don’t wear much jewelry), consider purchasing a diffuser necklace or other type of pendant instead—or even just giving them some essential oils themselves!

Cozy blanket or footie pajamas and hot beverages

Cozy blankets and footie pajamas are a great way to relax. Hot beverages are also a great way to relax and calm down, so consider purchasing your loved one a new mug or some fancy tea. Cozy blankets and footie pajamas can be used for sleeping or just relaxing on the couch watching Netflix with friends, so they’re perfect for any occasion!

I really like the Forever Lazy onesie!

Self-care subscription box

Self-care is an important part of mental wellness, but it’s also something that can be hard to keep up with. If you know someone who has been struggling with self-care, a subscription box can be a great way to help them get back on track. There are plenty of boxes out there that focus on promoting mental health and wellness, including ones for candles and makeup as well as healthy snacks and books.

To find the best subscription box for your gift recipient, think about what their interests are and what kinds of items they would like to receive (or send) in the mail every month!

Book about mindfulness, self-care, self-love, etc.

Books are a great gift because they can be used as a tool to learn how to be present in everyday life. If you’re looking for a gift that promotes mental health and wellness, consider giving someone a book on mindfulness or stress management. You could also buy the person a book about coping skills for people who are struggling with mental health issues. The recipient will appreciate receiving such an insightful gift and can learn how to apply these skills in their everyday lives.

Some of my favorite books:

Subscription to a music streaming service

Listening to music is one of the simplest ways we can improve our mental health by reducing stress. If you’re looking for a gift that provides a little extra joy and comfort, consider gifting a music subscription service like Spotify, Apple Music, or Amazon Music. These services are great for offering access to thousands of songs across every genre imaginable—and they make it easy for users to find playlists catered toward their interests and moods.

Also worth noting: many of these services offer free trials so your recipient can test them out before committing!

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